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Rhubarb Wine

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Here as promised is arecipe for Rhubarb Wine for Mrs. Frog.
4lbs rhubarb.
3lbs 8 oz sugar
1 gall water
Champagne yeast.
Piece of ginger about the size of a walnut.
Do not use very young or very old rhubarb. End of May early June time.
Wash and slice rhubarb but do not peel. Pour over them a gallon of boiling water. add ginger. Cover and leave for 4 days, stirring every day. Strain. Add sugar, and yeast. Leave for 2 more days, then into fermentation jar and proceed as normal. Makes a semi-sweet wine. Drinkable after 6 months.

Chaz Hunter:
Hi Palustris,
I've made rhubarb wine on a number of occasions and found that if you leave the skin on you tend to end up with a pinkish tinge to the wine yet when peeled it goes as clear as gin, (don't know if you've had the same)...also agree with you on timing, much later than may and the wine becomes very bitter.

Thanks Palustris! ;D :P

This sounds delicious, gonna have to feed my rhubarb tomorrow so's I can make gallons! Shame you're not keen on marrow, I'm not a wild cook but there's one recipe I've come up with that even the kiddies ask for, it's got loads of garlic and tomatoes and goes a treat with a roast! :P
Ok, never ever having made homebrewed wine before, what do I need to get going? :-\

Lisa (who is new to computers so expect loads of newly discovered special effects in my messages for a bit!!)

what's champagne yeast?

Old boy in our allotment always sings the praises of Rhubarb "Champagne" they used to make as kids - not alcoholic, but very refreshing apparently - I found this off the net, but can't comment on how good it is - yet
Rhubarb Champagne

1 1/2 pound Rhubarb
1 1/2 pound Sugar
2 Lemons
1 tablespoon Vinegar
8 pints Water

Cut the rhubarb and lemons and put all ingredients into water and let stand for48 hours.

Strain and bottle.  Ready in 3 to 5 days.


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