Produce > Non Edible Plants

Comphrey a must have herb.

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My mum bless her broke her leg many years ago and had to have a pin and plate put in. She was a great beliver in comphrey and took the tablet form made from the root. In hospital the doctors and nurses could not believe she did not need pain killers. Mum put it down to comphrey being a bone nit herb. ;)
Have you tried comphrey and what for? Teresa

I haven't tried comphrey, but but heard it's good as a fertilizer - is this true? And if so, how do you make it? Can you grow it from seed?

Hi CD,
Have heard of picking the leaves put into bucket with lid with some water and let it rot down makes a good liquid fert, Qty not sure, on the compost heap very good.
Also used in cosmetic's to soften skin,
medical put fresh leaves in a poultice for rough skin,aching joints, sores, burns,cuts,sprains and to reduce swelling.
Leaf and root drink as a tea to relieve stomach ulcers and coughs.
and a young leaf choped and used in salads,
cooked a spinach.
Stem blanched cooked same way as asparagus ;) also says it will cure leg ulcers to broken bones.
Contains vitamins A,Cand B12 calcium, potassium and phosphorus.
You can get seeds,plugs, pot plants or find someone with a root it does say it puts a 10 ft tap root down to bring moisture and minerals to upper soil levels.  :o
and amasing plant.  ::) Teresa

Comfrey - who mentioned comfrey!!  (Oh. no I hear you  cry - here she is again....)

No plot is complete without this blessed plant.  Use it for liquid manure, compost activation, as a soil conditioner, put it in the bottom and on the top of runner bean trenches, bees adore the flowers (so do I - they are like lickle bells), as a mulch for tomatoes, courgettes, soft fruit, strawberries (oh - let's face it anything that fruits!).

Be sure to get Bocking 14 which is a sterile variety or it will seed everywhere.  Do I feel an article coming on.....?  I happen to sell it on eBay, but you can get it from the organic gardening cataloge also (I think), or you can beg a piece of root with a shoot from a friendly organic grower.

Thanks Teresa & A-chick! Excellent information...I'm planning a space for my comphrey as I write! AC - as a matter of interest, how much do you sell it for on ebay? and do you sell anymore herbs?


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