General > Pets Corner

The old lady - Kizzie

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Mrs Ava:
As I have very little to ever input in the pet section, I thought I would post a piccy of our Kizzie.  This was taken just hours before she headed off for the kennel in the sky, bless her.  As you can probably tell, she was an old dear, blinded with cataracts, deaf as a post, and had a limp.  Still, like Bagpus, well all loved her.  :-[

AAWWW she's lovely EJ.

Blue was blind, deaf, and at the end, a bit doolally but it was still hard to see him go.


She was lovely EJ and in such good condition, her coat looks beautiful - so must have been looked after very well.

what a cutie. So sorry. hugs.  :'(

 :'(oh emma, i have just logged on for the 1st time in a while and read about kizzie,  poor old girl, sooooooo good that your mum and you were there for her at the end, she looks so beautiful and loving, i get upset at the thought of even watching black beauty let alone anything happening to my minnie, big hug to you and your mum


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