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Webby making advice

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I've had a few goes at creating a web site but the results haven't been too great. The one I currently have I'm happy with but I only assisted in it's making. It would be nice to have the know-how to be able to make such a site myself.  ( ).
Can anyone point me to some info that doesn't means lots of time spent playing with code/HTML? Ta!

Hi Kenkew - I'll tiptoe very quietly in here, with all my prejudices, and knowing only some of the mistakes I've made! ???

For a website as widely accessible as possible, it is well worth getting to know HTML - with a couple of books from the cheap remainder bookshops.  

A really useful programme for writing HTML - 1st Page 2000, downloadable from - and it's free.  HTML isn't a lot more complicated than ordinary word-processing - it's just that you have to type in commands as tags.

The problem with "shortcuts" is that they can produce a fine site - but with grotesque coding and huge file loads;  so people like me with an elderly computer and a dial-up connection will either wait for several minutes --------- or (more usually) go find another site!  "Goodies" like Flash shut out a lot of users.  

Hey, but I have to say that your site is a rare exception - Flash that works pretty well and reasonably quickly on my computer?  That is rare!

BUT - I am a bit of a Luddite!   See what other people think too.

Good luck - Gavin

Used Front Page in the Old days...........found that this helped to learn a little HTML, as both a preview and an HTML view of each page was available.....

....Namo do quite a nice web page editor/creator....., and I understand the latest version is recommended ....

...Personally, I tend to use Dreamweaver....but then that is because I am lazy and haven't learnt all the HTML codes.....

......try a few.....start with the free ones.....see which one fits your needs and skill level.....

Good luck.....

I'm playing with the freeware FTP Commander but it's asking me for an FTP server name. I've tried what I think it wants but I'm not getting access.

Hi kenkew - I'm guessing that you're trying to upload a web site onto the web?  You should be able to get the correct address from your ISP or web-host.

Can be a bit fiddly!

Good luck - Gavin


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