Produce > Recipes

Rhubarb Chutney

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That sounds GORGEOUS EJ! X

It is still cooking in the pan, but it is already delicious !

I didn't have sultanas, so used mixed fruit instead, the result is still impressive.

Addendum - now all in jars, not before my daughter had a blind tasting - is that mango chutney she said ?

I made half that quantity yesterday E.J.(cos I only had a pound of rhubarb) but substituted the Tate & Lyle 'half spoon' for normal sugar (as suggested by Curry) and agree it tastes just lovely.....only slight grouse is that it seems a bit runny - would that be because of the different sugar....I gently cooked it for about an hour and thought it seemed ready!....

goodness me!....have just realised - I forgot to half the amount of vinegar - I added a mugful - should have been half wonder!! :-[

stupid me!

can't be bothered to boil it anymore - tastes great so will be lovely spread in my sarnies with ham or cheese :P

Just to give you confidence Hot Potato. I added the correct amount of vinegar, and it set just lovely !
The last couple of spoonfuls ended up in a shallow dish, just asking to be spread on some surplus tortillas for my lunch - perfect !

Oh Curry - thanks.....will definitely make again once I get to allotment and pick more....and next time....I'll put the correct amount of vinegar in :D....I had an odd half a jar over, which at this moment is sitting in the fridge (firming up) but will get used up I don't doubt as soon as an opportunity fact, have a cold chicken salad for lunch today so maybe a good time to sample it again :P



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