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An elusive trojan

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It might be an idea to have a word with the provider, too. More and more of them are offering services to attract/keep customers. Last year mine offered a service for about a quid a month. It has blocked about a dozen 'viruses' to date. It's not 100% but it's the Trojans and Worms that cause the mischief in the vast number of cases and it's these that are being blocked. The major viruses are usually aimed at upsetting corporations like Microsoft or government targets. There is usually a warning given and advice as to what action we can take. MS are forever plugging holes in their programmes which let these viruses in. I suppose the closest anyone can get to 'full security' is to pay for a good virus protection programme and up-date it regularly.

kenkew: add what might seem obviouse, (let's not forget we all started out learning to walk) most 'viruses' are spread via E-mail attachments. If you don't know who the mail comes from, DON'T open the attachment. If the mail shows a URL -link address to a web site- DON'T click it unless you know where you're going. Check your 'Cookies' folder at least once a week. Lots of web sites deposit a 'cookie' in your 'puter which reports back to the person who 'presented' you with the cookie in the first place, and it tells that person (among other things) which sites you visit. This tells that person what things you are interested in and that info is used as a marketing tool to target you with even more E-mails. That could I suppose be classed as a low virus form. Good stuff, eh?
I regularly dump ALL my cokkies. I know some of them are not a bad thing to have but if I need a particular one for a particular site, the site will either deposit a new one or ask me to register again.


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