Author Topic: Hens are indoors  (Read 11954 times)


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Hens are indoors
« on: April 07, 2006, 10:21:51 »
Well we have finally put them in  :(    Heard on the regional news last night that the poultry farmers in our area are putting their birds indoors so we thought we better had too. Don't know if we are in the exclusion zone couldn't get a clear idea from the news and I haven't looked this morning.  Said to my son yesterday it was probably the last time for a while that the hens will be running around the garden.  I was worried about the hens being seen in their pen this morning and people throwing stones at them or something so I made OH go up there in the dark and put the door on the pop hole. It worried me because I heard people have been distroying wild birds nests because of the avian flu.  >:(  :(

Quick alterations are to be done over the weekend to separate Dennis,I'm worried he will be too bored and will be pestering the girls too much whilst they are inside. Poor Den. Solitary confinement for doing as nature intended him to do.  I suppose he'll get cleaned up atleast because he is scruffy !

I feel really fed up about it. It has surprised me that I feel so down about it because we knew it was on the cards. Strange isn't it. OH has been worried for weeks...we have stacks of swans in the fields nearby,loads of geese fly over and stay a while, also a nature reserve a little way down the road.

I've cooked them up some veg and have some broccoli for them...I'm going to hang it up for them to peck at.  My son has been busy making them a mobile with old cd's .  Anything to keep the hens happy and well  :)

How does everyone else feel ?


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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #1 on: April 07, 2006, 13:30:44 »
I'm so sorry Hel. My girls have been in for a couple of weeks now....trying to get the grass to grow abit so they can decimate it again! It does hurt seeing them shut in but it's best to take precautions. What angers me are the ignorant people who don't bother getting the full facts and blow it totally out of proportion. A friend's neighbour has told her he won't be going to see her anymore because she keeps ducks!! It is people like him who manage to panic the masses. It's a real sad state of affairs :(


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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2006, 14:12:17 »
Aga been watching the news,I think the reporters want people to panic.  >:(

Regional news said there are dead birds being tested from three areas up here,two of them are near to me.  I'm not too worried ,theres always lots of dead birds down this coastline.

Can't believe that bloke and your friend's ducks. Blimey. Frightening how people can react. My hen's door was shut last night because of fear of people like him and worse. I'm concerned about my son at school,I hope he doesn't get any stick. Luckily he is off school for the next fortnight.


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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2006, 14:54:59 »
Typical Media

What they dont say is that birds have been tested day in and day out for weeks now, over 500 a week I believe and so far there only one to test positive.

The guy in charge of the testing service said this morning on the radio that one bird does NOT make a crisis and at the moment there is little to fear.

In europe there have been a number of incidents in the wild population but only 3 cases where the infection has passed to the domestic flock. In all cases the virus has not spread to neighbouring domestic flocks as it requires direct bird to bird or bird to faeces contact, the virus is not like the foot and mouth virus for instance that can spread on the air.

My birds are still free ranging but we are in the South well away from this particular swan. If they have to go inside I have already covered their run with plastic sheeting and made the sides secure to stop even a wren getting to them. They will still get fresh air but not free range.

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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2006, 15:17:45 »
I do sympathise with you Heldi.  This is such a shame having to put them indoors when  you would rather they were scratching outside where nature intended.  I think the authorities are doing all they can to contain things, but as you say people do go overboard, and say the most ludicrous things - It is pure ignorance. I just hope it will blow over and not become the danger some people think it will be. I am feeling for all you poultry owners at the moment. busy_lizzie
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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2006, 15:49:13 »
Me too! Feel for the hen keepers and the hens. Silly how alarmist the media can be: anything to make people watch/ read what they're saying I suppose. If one swallow doesn't make a summer maybe we could say it takes more than one swan for a swan-song?

People here are alerted to the dangers and know how to protect themselves. Very different from the areas of the world where people have got the virus and died.
Not to say we shouldn't take all possible precautions but panic is totally inappropriate as is vindictive action against birds and bird owners.


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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2006, 17:21:26 »
Our chooks were out today, in their uncovered run...  We're about 400 miles south of where the swan was found.  If it starts spreading and getting closer we are able to keep them fully undercover as need be.  We're obviously watching closely to see what happens next and we'll just take it one day at a time.  But today the the chooks have been dustbathing in the sunshine, scratching about etc and simply enjoying being chickens... blissfully ignorant of what us humans are going through :(

My thoughts are with those of you in or near the affected area :( or affected by other people's prejudice and ignorance >:(


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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2006, 19:01:42 »
if there's a such and such exclusion zone, how come a whole barrage of media vans are sitting right in the middle of it !  it does annoy me so much, there's nothing like a good bit of media frenzy to cover something else up that's happening ....... i wonder what the government need to hide atm  ::)

good luck to all you chaps and chappesses, i really feel for you.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 19:03:30 by MrsKP »
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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2006, 19:06:54 »
Good luck to everyone especially those close to the outbreak in Fife. Our hens have been in a netted run since the beginning of winter and they'll stay like that until/if it spreads closer to home or unless DEFRA order hens to be kept under cover which they say is unlikely. My bigger fear, rather than the flu itself, is our neighbours and what they might do through lack of information, will we get complains about our hens, I hope not.
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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2006, 19:13:42 »
would it be an idea to get an A5 leaflet made up to post through local letterboxes explaining the facts rather than the fiction ?

there has been little real information disseminated and am sure most people would be "reasonable" if it was explained properly wouldn't they ?  :-\
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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2006, 19:57:53 »
there's nothing like a good bit of media frenzy to cover something else up that's happening ....... i wonder what the government need to hide atm  ::)

My thoughts exactly :(

Heldi, I'm sorry your chooks are now indoors and I can understand your concerns about them.  Shame you can't have them in the garden.

On our local news tonight (Oxfordshire) they did actually say that bird flu is not  spread like foot and mouth and that it is highly unlikely anyone will catch it.  I just hope they don't start thinking mass slaughter of wild birds, to often the powers that be think that is the only answer, kill everything in sight.  And the ignorance of most people really infuriates me.  It's usually the same people who sneeze and cough all over you when you are stood in a queue!  O thanks I really wanted your germs  ::)



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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #11 on: April 07, 2006, 20:17:26 »
I think the problem is that birds cover such wide territory that it could appear anywhere.
But unless the virus mutates it is not going to affect the general population. Only those in close contact with infected birds. It cannot at the moment be passed from one person to another. Unless the virus mutates.

Recent articles in "The Scotsman" suggest that it is unlikely that the virus could mutate in the UK or Europe in general, given the contingency measures that are in place. If it happens it will be in the countries where deaths have already occurred in the far east.

There have been numerous killer outbreaks of bird flu over the years. (Anyone remember an older family member singing"Napoo catch the flu and die ee"?) The difference this time is that we are very technologicially advanced and are much better placed to fight it. Only the nutty press and some of our nutty aggressive countrymen/women hold us back.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2006, 22:27:23 by grawrc »


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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #12 on: April 07, 2006, 21:47:39 »
Heldi, I thought about you when I heard the news about the swan found in Scotland.   :-*  I know you are out of the exclusion zone but you are a lot nearer than us folks in the south.  I haven't put mine under cover yet but will copy Jerry's idea and put some plastic sheeting over what will have to be a much smaller run for them.   :D

I feel sorry for the wildlife trusts that are scattered about the UK.  They will have real problems trying to keep their birds safe.  There is the swannery at Abbotsbury which has about 600 swans and Slimbridge where there are thousands of geese.  The Hawk Conservancy that I visited in February had ducks and chickens walking around the site and roaming at will.  The Berwick Swan and wildlife trust specialises in the care of sick or injured swans.  I suppose our problems with what to do with a few chickens is nothing compared to the problems facing these wildlife organisations.   Most of them rely on the income from visitors too so they will be doubly hard hit.   :( :(


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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2006, 22:26:01 »
I share the views here of course, and sympathise with those of you who keep poultry. What annoys me is that the media is only interested in selling the story. I will never know the previous state of health or level of immunity of those people who 'died of avian flu'. Unless there's a very quick mutation, I reckon the only risk to me would be if I ate a diseased bird - raw.

Sorry if I drifted a bit.

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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2006, 22:29:26 »
exactly. How likely is that?


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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #15 on: April 08, 2006, 13:04:59 »
I am just about to go up to the lotty. OH is there busy making Dennis his new abode. OH has put the hens out into their pen... he thinks it'll be fine as long as he is there. If my lotty was more secure and private I think I would be prepared to keep them in the pen outside but as you all know,it's the nutters I'm afraid of.
The hens were very jittery yesterday when I went to check on them. Eggs on the floor not just in the nest boxes that sort of thing.

Haven't heard any news about the dead birds found yesterday nearby to me but then I haven't been looking. Like I said we have hundreds of birds on this coastline,was even going to take a piccy of all the swans in the fields and title it "This year I have mostly been growing swans!"  Gorgeous birds. Fingers crossed for them.


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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #16 on: April 08, 2006, 17:40:02 »
Things might settle down Heldi and you might even be able to consider letting them out again sometime in the near future.  I hope so!  Big hug for you at the moment.  :-* busy_lizzie
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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #17 on: April 08, 2006, 17:58:01 »
And from me to Heldi.

Also love swans, beautiful creatures.

Apparently they're testing some they found dead in a Glasgow park.  Haven't seen the results of those yet, so am keeping my fingers crossed.

Mrs KP
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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #18 on: April 08, 2006, 20:58:12 »
Aw thanks Busy and Missus!

Feeling a lot more settled about my own situation. OH has extended the indoor area that the hens are in and Dennis has his own private quarters. Looks ace! Dennis wasn't too impressed at first and was trying to jump through the wire to get to the girls but he settled down after about 10 mins of fussing and flapping. The girls weren't at all bothered,probably glad of the rest! They all went over atleast once to have a look over at Den's new pad and had a bit chatter to him. (Wonder if they were saying "Poor you" or "Up yours!" ?)

OH said he reckoned there is room enough for atleast another half dozen hens. He shouldn't give me ideas!

Will take some pictures to show you tomorrow, though it will be covered in poo by then and not the pristine new woodshavings of this evening.  ::) Will try to get a snap of Toffee to show you her terrible looking feathers.  She atleast will be grateful for the break.

Shhhh don't tell, but I can see me letting Den out to roam about the rest of the shed when I'm in there pottering   ;) ;D

Hoping this whole thing blows over


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Re: Hens are indoors
« Reply #19 on: April 09, 2006, 22:18:36 »

My birds are still free ranging but we are in the South well away from this particular swan. If they have to go inside I have already covered their run with plastic sheeting and made the sides secure to stop even a wren getting to them. They will still get fresh air but not free range.


Jerry, we are thinking of ways to cover a small chicken run with plastic sheeting and netting and are not sure how to go about it.  Have you got rigid plastic sheeting on yours and if so, how do you keep it down?  Did you have to build a new frame?   My OH and I have discussed putting polythene across but then thought it might tear in the wind as we are quite exposed being on the edge os Salisbury Plain.  There is also the problem of getting water to drain off it.  Have you any photos of your run that you could show us please?


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