Produce > Edible Plants




I'd like to grow herbs on my allotment, not just for cooking but for other things too. Does anyone know of any practical uses for herbs? Or any good websites where I can find out what kinds of things you can do with herbs?

All thoughts/ideas welcome!
Many thanks,


Hi just a couple of tips, mint if planted near the kitchen door or on the window sill no flies will come in also if rubed on the skin no flies will bite you. the menthol or edu collonne best.
Feverfew pretty plant leaves good for headaches and any pain if taken one leaf in a sandwich three times a day also good for arthritis joint problems
you can tell I am into the herbs. Try your libery and find a book on herbs and their medical uses very interesting. I have a purple sage looks lovely summer and winter. and herbs are so cheep to buy some are evergreen.
have fun Teresa

i have a great book  called 'herbs and healing plants', its a collins field guide and its excellent. has photographic ID, tells what conditions they can be found in and outlines their uses. It was £7.99 and its a pocket sized paperback, possibly in the nature section rather than gardening section of the bookshop.

grow some lemon balm ,easy to grow and makes a lovely drink when infused and put in the fridge,Rosemary great with meat and roasted spuds also lovely flowers in the spring


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