Produce > Edible Plants

The ultimate slug killer?


Anyone else seen this in todays paper?

Scientists at Newcastle Uni have been carrying out trials using garlic for slug control.  They tested a commercial extract of garlic oil sprayed on soil around crops and compared it with 8 other slug repellents.  Slugs and snails avoided contact with the oil and died within hours of direct exposure. It also prevented slugs eating Chinese cabbage leaf which had been sprayed.

They are carrying out more tests to find out its commercial potential.  Although they used highly concentrated oil they says home-made recipe of crushed garlic mixed with water would work,  Earlier research found it also killed slug eggs laid in the soil.

Anyone out there tried this?

Sounds really silly - but I'd much more happily try this than the coffee method!

All best - Gavin

i sense some smelly allotments coming along.......

Well I ordered too many garlic sets so once they've grown I'll have a glut hopefully. If I do I'll try them as slug killers and let you all know. - BB


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