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BBC GREAT BRITISH VILLAGE SHOW!Have you ever imagined that your sunflowers could get you to HIGHGROVE, to meet THE PRINCE OF WALES??The final of the BBC GREAT BRITISH VILLAGE SHOW will be held at Highgrove in the presence of HRH The Prince of Wales. All you need to do to be there is enter the TALLEST SUNFLOWER category in one of our REGIONAL HEATS and the WINNERS will win a CASH PRIZE as well as attending the final at HIGHGROVE.The SOUTH EAST winners are already through but if you can make any of the below dates and have a tall sunflower then dont hesitate to contact us:TEL 0207 4322935 EMAIL gbvs@12yard.comSOUTH WEST HEAT - SUNDAY 6th AUGUST at MONTACUTE HOUSE, SOMERSETCENTRAL HEAT - SUNDAY 27th AUGUST at CALKE ABBEY, DERBYSHIREEAST ENGLAND HEAT - SUNDAY 3rd SEPT at WIMPOLE HALL, CAMBRIDGESHIREWALES AND WEST HEAT - SUNDAY 17th SEPT at DYFFRYN GARDENS, CARDIFFNORTHERN HEAT - SUNDAY 24th SEPT at NOSTELL PRIORY, WAKEFIELDALL ENTRIES WELCOME AND GOOD LUCK! ;D ;D ;D