Author Topic: Tyne and Wear People?  (Read 37558 times)


  • Acre
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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #40 on: February 24, 2007, 22:12:47 »
Hi All,

I am newbie! - just wondering if anyone could help - I've put in an application for 3 allotment sites in Whickham & Swalwell but have been unable to get any kind of idea about how long the waiting lists are - I did ask the council how long the average wait is, but just got an e-mail back explaining that plots are given to the next person on the list (thanks for explaining the process of a queue then! - very helpful - sorry for the sarcasm!) - anyhow the 3 plots in question are the ones on Lambton Ave and the 2 sites in Swalwell - Hurrocks by the 'shakey bridge' and New Sands by the salt heaps - does anyone have an idea if there are any vacant plots or what the waiting times are likely to be?

thanks in anticipation! ;D
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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #41 on: February 25, 2007, 16:33:30 »
Have you been to any of the sites for a look around ? I'm sure gardeners already their will put you in the picture. As you will find out from Allotments4all we lottie gardeners are quite a friendly bunch. Good hunting. ;)


  • Acre
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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #42 on: February 25, 2007, 18:45:07 »
Hi there,

Thanks for the reply and the tip - I was thinking of doing that, but the plots on two of the sites seem fairly well enclosed by hedges - I wasn't really sure if it was the done thing so to speak, to maybe just wander up and knock on someone's gate? - I think I might have to have a wander there and hope to catch someone coming in or out!

The council don't seem to know much so far (but the person responsible for allotments is off at the moment to be fair), so I'm not even sure if the council hold the waiting lists or whether it is run by an allotment committee. If it is an allotment committee - could anyone advise whether should I concentrate on trying to get hold of them directly rather than doing it through the council? - do the council normally keep details of the waiting lists even if they are run by an allotment committee?

thanks again
When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.


  • Acre
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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2007, 13:19:52 »
Afternoon Sheddie.  As you may have read a few posts up, I've just got a plot in that area, but it's on the privately owned site behind the Glebe.  I didn't go to the council, because I wanted a lottie within walking distance of my house - I know what I'm like, and if it had been too far away, then I wouldn't have gone as often as needed.

We did manage to get our foot in the door first by sharing with another allotment holder, who couldn't manage his on his own.  So I would strongly recommend seeing if you can get hold of people on the sites to ask.  It's amazing how much folks know about each other's business sometimes.  ;)
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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #44 on: February 27, 2007, 07:44:47 »
Hi Sheddie

My plot is in Burnopfield not too far from Whickham and there seems to be a couple of empty plots there.  If you are interested i think the Shed (Place where old guys in the know are) is open on Friday Saturday and Sunday ten till twelve.



  • Acre
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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #45 on: February 27, 2007, 22:21:31 »
Hi Claire,

Wow - thanks for that! - are your plots private or do you know which council they would be covered by? - there aren't any plots for Burnopfield on Gateshead Council's list you see - so if they come under a different borough, I'm not sure if it'd be possible? (if they would allow it I mean?)

thanks again - they're not too far of a drive away!

When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant.


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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #46 on: February 28, 2007, 07:44:25 »

Thay are owend by derwentside council as far as i am aware but there are a couple men who seem to be in charge of day to day running and they reckoned when i first paid my rent it was cheaper to go through them than direct with the council so thats what i did.  The plots are on syke road by the way.



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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #47 on: June 06, 2008, 15:26:12 »
Have had my name on the waiting list for an allotment in Wallsend for 12 months now and am apparently number 37 out of 87.  Having been in touch with the council recently i ascertained that there was 1 person on the list from 2005, 10 from 2006 and the rest from 2007 onwards.  This however isn't a good guide as those people offered a plot aren't removed from the top of the list  and placed at the bottom should they refuse a plot (so number 1 person could keep refusing a plot until that prime one becomes available and still get first shout at it :().

On the site i have applied for there are apparently 121 plots, 17 of which are "supposed" to be available and 3 which have just been served with tidy notices.  I'm having a right battle with the department responsible for them as they have declared some of the plots "unlettable" and seem to be dodging my emails asking what is going to be done to rectify this situation.


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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #48 on: June 07, 2008, 13:21:49 »
Hi Rixy, That is just not good enough is it? Have you been in touch with the allotments officer for North Tyneside who in my experience he is usually on the ball? Think you should continue to chivvy people if there are some available but you can't get one just because of inefficiency. At our site in Whitley Bay, you only have the choice of three and if you don't like them and refuse them you go to the bottom of the list again. Have you walked around the sites and spoken to people on there, as usually you get uptodate news from nearby plotholders. Keep at it, and let us know how you get on.   busy_lizzie
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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #49 on: June 07, 2008, 23:37:17 »
who in my experience he is usually on the ball?
Not in this case apparently, he's the one not answering emails :D, might have to resend them again but this tile cc them to "his" boss also.

brian d

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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #50 on: June 24, 2008, 23:27:31 »
Have you heard anything back yet Rixy?

I have emailed ones with an email address in the area but none have contacted back

Have you just contacted the council or individual allotment sites?


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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #51 on: June 25, 2008, 00:45:57 »
Have you heard anything back yet Rixy?

I have emailed ones with an email address in the area but none have contacted back

Have you just contacted the council or individual allotment sites?
I've had a couple of replies, neither of them productive in m case but in the overall scheme of things......?

Apparently on the site that i want a plot there is a waiting list of some 80+ of which I am No37.  Although there are indeed vacant plots on the site, the dept concerned deems these as unlettable.  When questioned as to any actions they are taking to rectify this situation I was informed that there was no money in the budget for their renovation but hopefully their will be funds available this coming October. 

Conspiracy theorists may wonder whether this is just stalling tactics as in the pipeline are plans for the site to become self-managed, one wonders then if the respnsibility for clearing the plots would then fall on the management commitee?.

I have been invited to arrange an "on-site" meeting with the representative from the council should I have any further questions to ask, I may take him up on his offer in the near future but am currently working out the ethics of pointing out a plot I would be willing to clear myself in an attempt to queue jump.

brian d

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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #52 on: June 25, 2008, 08:31:13 »
It just doesn't seem very organised in this area does it.

I emailed M Cranston I think it is last night to say I was having trouble getting any replies and was there anything he could do to help but I'm not expecting much

brian d

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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #53 on: June 25, 2008, 18:48:14 »
Here is a list of allotment sites I have rang tonight

Etal Park roughly 8 on waiting list
Kenton road......probably a waste of time
Norham Road......seemed clueless
Christon Road.....seemed better
Salters Lane......mostly pigeon men, 2-3 on list and been like that for about 2 year
Woodthorne road 12 on list
Little moor roughly 40 on list
Highbury north ....12 onlist
Highbury south .....20 on list
Jesmond dene 'stokes' very helpful and chatty....12 on list
Highbury and Forsyth Rd
 - brilliant roughly 15 on list - sounded very promising


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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #54 on: June 25, 2008, 18:52:22 »
West Street/Balmoral in Wallsend currently has a waiting list of 85.

brian d

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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #55 on: June 25, 2008, 19:14:00 »
West Street/Balmoral in Wallsend currently has a waiting list of 85.

Nightmare! The last one I mentioned seemed very promising, I was on the phone for quite a while and at first she said it could be quite a while and by the end she was telling me there was a plot which had been used for bon fires etc and she has 15 people on the list and hadn't decided who to give it to, I was straight in there with 'Well I will take it off your hands' haha

Someone else will probably take it though given the current shortage!

brian d

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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #56 on: July 02, 2008, 00:24:56 »
Just thought I'd let you know Im now the proud owner of my very own plot!


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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #57 on: July 02, 2008, 08:06:12 »
That's great Brian, we are also lottie newbies, had our plot 2 weeks, its great. We also had problems with waiting lists but ours is in Sunderland. The council would not let us know how many were on the waiting lists, so we took matters into our own hands....visited our local council allotment....waited to see committee...and they should us what was available. We have alot of work ahead but we know it will be worth it in the end. Good luck, Applepie


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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #58 on: July 08, 2008, 13:27:54 »
Had my on-site meeting with the council representative last night.  Apparently there are currently 8 plots deemed lettable and these where being oiffered to the top 8 on the waiting list.  5 plots have been deemed unlettable, 4 of which where totally inaccessible, the 5th one being seriously overgrown.  I have however been offered the overgrown one, on the proviso that i make no demands on the council to clear it but do the work myself.  I am currently negotiating for a rent free period and also that my name stays on the list until the rent free period expires and the plot is deemed workable.  Will let you know how things go.

brian d

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Re: Tyne and Wear People?
« Reply #59 on: July 10, 2008, 00:09:05 »
Good luck Rixy! enjoyin my new plot but taking it slowly as its hard work and not much to be grown now this year


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