Produce > Kept Animals

A problem!

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Adam, I don't think you can keep hens if you are not there to check them every day .  I have a large feeder for mine which I top up every week or so and during the summer have the water to the trough on a timer, coming on twice a day.  If I am away for a couple of weeks, I fill up two feeders then all my son has to do is collect the eggs daily and check the water.  Could you not get someone else at the allotment to share them with you?  Are you prepared for this bird flu?  Many European countries now dictate that chickens have to be kept indoors.  Do you have the facilities to do this should the UK impose the same restrictions?

Besides not being able to check them every day you miss out on their great characters. They make amazing pets and if you tame them they will come and sit on your lap and adore cuddles ;D I have one who uses the cat flap and comes in and demolishes the cat food!!! The cats let her ??? Did'nt appreciate her going in my bedroom onw day and pooing in my shoes tho' !!! ;D ;D ;D

LOL Agapanthus!  ;D 

I was sat at the allotment last week with my daughter. She had a colouring book and some crayons. Dennis the cockerel was most interested and stood on my wellies to get a closer look.

thought you might like this ;D

I agree with everyone else only the cockerels make noise except for the clucking after laying an egg.

We visit our hens at least twice a day but we also walk our dogs over the allotments and they are only a minute or two away.

I don't think the neighbours would find it a problem and possibly wouldn't notice tho you may have to have a better looking setup than some of the allotment style setups (including mine) otherwise house prices may drop in the area!!

If you did have them on your allotment you would have to visit at least once a day just to collect eggs, check water etc maybe one of the locals could do this for you or you could find someone else in the same situation and rotate duties.


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