Produce > Edible Plants

Sprouting - the usual collapse!

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- yes, Sir - amazing what some folk know!! - Tim

Just re-read that John - yes, they were in modules and did not have their taproots severed, as would normally happen when you pull them. Thanks - Tim

This was my first year for sprouts and they were all determined to fall over, despite efforts at tying them on to canes (lots of canes per plant I might add). Those that I managed to restrain a bit had nice, tight sprouts :), but those that fell about had big cabbage like affairs growing everywhere :(. When I pulled some of them up last weekend, I would swear each plant weighed somewhere in the region of 20 lbs - shame it wasn't all in sprouts :-/!!! I do remember walking past an allotment in Kendal a few years ago, where there were sprout plants standing as upright as soldiers, though, with lots of sprouts up each stem.

Love, Palefire



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