Author Topic: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn  (Read 9574 times)


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #20 on: January 18, 2004, 21:00:44 »
yo campo

scored my smack from a chines chap..ho ho.......for real I dont doslike or dislike either peeps who smokey.. cuz they hatethemselvesthats why they ison a deathwish..or the otherside is likemystic pointy outy the other timey? peeps who smoke are tw*ts.. its yur choice, capstan full stength yucckkky..nice fruity salad running around in my tum... aint got time for te obscene  cuz now
I isfree from NICOTINE,,, emancipate yourself from mental slavery...... smoke, choke.. aint no joke spesh for other folk who have to bury you..  buthey addicts dont care about these things.. or do they?

postie hity butony timey bow


« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #21 on: January 19, 2004, 01:43:47 »
peasy to say when kiked.  Big prob not esy noting worse thn richosness. no help!
gtting ther just slo very diff too much to deel wit 1 at time but whi one to strt

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
Muddy Boots


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #22 on: January 19, 2004, 11:37:31 »
what a marvellous weekend. shame it's ove r now and i'm bavk at work.

glorious day yesterady aso was very glad to spend much of it outside. After a biref bit of poterring round the garden, cut back some periennials that have finally died back  - crazy plants fdon't seem to know when winter sptared. Then it was off the the (the first 'the' should be a 'to') sytables to ride. had a lovely lesson, riding a horse that I've always been a bit nervous of, but actually enjoyed riding him and then we did some jumping. eek. the jump was only about 1ft9, but he jumped it at least twice as big as theat. very scary, but at least I stayed on!

and on the way back we (hubbyr rides too) were very thirstry, so popped into a corner shop to buy a drink, only to have the power-crazed shop keeper demand we pay for a bottle of cidar he'd 'seen' us pick up???!!! I don't even like cidar! He wouldn't take up hubby's offer for him to search our jackets and in the end we just walked out and won't be going back there again. I can't work out if he thought we were homeless (we were rather scruffily dressed, I had mud on the back of my jacket, adn we did msell!) or if he was just enjoying wielding some powere.  ??? Rather bizarre situation, but quite amausing too really!  :D
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
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Mrs Ava

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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #23 on: January 19, 2004, 14:40:12 »
Blimey Acquligia, not a good ende to a good mornings horse riding!  How long have you been rindind?  I am terriefied of hourses, always have been, they are soooooo big with bug teeth and bitg hooooooves.  My little girl would like to ride a horse, but seh is nervous  of being off terrafirma so I don't know if she will like it.

Had a busyt weejebd, Sat with my sis and her famuly and then Sun visited firends and went on for lunch with the outlaws.  The weekend s whizz by, roll on the summer, days are longer and I seem to spend more time with hubby for some reason.....

Sorted out the lottie seeds today, am rather chiffed with what I have to grow.  Wish the kids would eat more veggies, I love my veggies, especially greens!  Sprouts are me fave!

I still havenb't been out on Avas new motorbike, wish I could but we don't have anyone to look after the sprogs.  Hopefully at the start of feb we are off to  a bike show and all being well we will be going down on the bike, so that should be great.  IU love being on the bike, the freedom, mind you, blinking blonking cold!

hey ho, Monday afternoon approaches, suich excitement awaits me, changing the beds anbd doing the ironing.  Could be worse I guess, I watched a couple of chaps debinging a drain, now how smelly and yucky is that!?!  Oh well, it pays the bills I guess.

As fdor needles Oaz, wow they scare me.  It isn't the pain or anything, it is the pressure on the skin before they pinctire it.  Very odd, makes me right queesy.  Would happily go through child birth weekly rather than have injections.  In fact, the worst part of being pregs was the blood tests!

Gunna post now.....and get  back to my hoiuse wifery chorse.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #24 on: January 19, 2004, 14:52:14 »
Emma - I've been riidng for nearly 15 years now (whith a gap of a couple of years at uni!) I'm quite nervous around them still (doesn't help that my old horse tried to kill me on several occassions - i've sold him now!) But I love riding and horses and that klove overrides (excuse the pun) the fear. It's great fun and I love the freedom of it like you do on the bike.

Now motorokbise (blimey that was a terrible bit of typng!) anywya - mortorbikes (getting closer!) motorbikes - there's something that really scares me!
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #25 on: January 19, 2004, 18:44:26 »
BLINKING LONKING BLANKING BLNKING BLINK BLININKING BLINKERS BLONKY BLONKERS BLINK..BLONK,,, puter delinery peeps,,, now company sez they wil TRY and dliver by Friday, spent morning seaking to customer servio idiots, where do tey get them from... but nowt i can do about it and aint gona cancel order cuz  its butnow paynext jan and 12 months interest free critid..

oooh seez aquilegia is horsey ridey peep, last time i rode horsey as in tunisia..great fun
galoping aong te beach at full blasters... that was 10 years ago. me neice is 16 tday, biatch
growing up so fast makes mefeel me age..seeems only few weeks ago was holding her as baby, love babies i does.. andalways wonder what knowledge they come into tis world with, cuz if reincarnation thing exists then said baby has come rom spirit world and prob knows more aout life than us... make me think it

oooh smokey peeps dont likey being called twoaTs... well I wuz a twot at least twenty times
a day, and in the pub I was a 40a night tw*t, but now I iz just one big fecky eejit who isn't a twot, can be a deek head and wayne cur but no longera tw*t... love not being smokey peep an me tste buds are doing amental.. apples..just love em
ooh had a snickers 2day.. couldn't resist beencraving choccy 4 days now... now must burn of cals to keep meself in shape... mental sit-ups are cool
and imaginary jogging is good too, cuz you can jog dead far wivout actually moving very far at all... andyou can burn up zills of imaginary calories too,but must take it easy and not overdo thangs as imaginary heart attacks are all to common

tume ti hut postie buttom


« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #26 on: January 20, 2004, 03:27:19 »
just luuuurve this time of morning, everything round here so quiet, house built 1937... can sense the years passed, in the walls... imagining what the gardy looked like abck then..
can hear clock tick tocking in the still air.. tis nice,,, loveths timeless feeling, age means nothing a second a minute,
an hour, aday, aweek, a month, ayear. and a thousand moons all here in this moment of being.. feel so good and so level, glad stresses over for a few onths, nut have learnt so much this time around that i hope time will pass smoothly, like now,, so smooth and peacefull can movewith the moon, and fly near the sun and dive down fast and then before hitting the ground shapeshifting into wolverine before running through the snowyplains.. such a kiss deserves forgiveness and a chance to say heelo to spirit anew


« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #27 on: January 20, 2004, 11:07:16 »
Wow Oz you sure are being profound and very spiritial this morning!

I totally agree with you about time. I naturally worry about everything - the past, the future. But now I live by the moto of be here now. Forget the past, it's done, it's no longer real and the future holds so many possibilities ti is not worth getting into a tizzy over. All we know we have is an every lasting now. it's precious and it's here, so make the most of it.

You talk a lot about reincarnation - are you a buddhist/?
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #28 on: January 20, 2004, 15:40:55 »
aquilegia notint religio as such would be quite happy t see all religiousleaders imprisonedfor crimes against humanity... put pope, dali lama ayatollah moderator ofscotland, coe runcieandall of them in the nick
cuz they ar about control... me just into me own thang, listen to the wind andlearn from ancient civilizations, was not always spiritua peep, but always
knew from dead early age that things aint right wiv society, how many peeps slag of heroin adicts whilst at the same time light up a ciggie.. hypocracy.
if ciggies were ilegal samepeeps would be commiting same crimes in order to feed addiction... yet more peeps die from ciggies than heroin?  laws are upside down and morelaws peeps make the more criminal they make.. prohibition has never and will never work... see bable has got a bit polotical.. hatepolitix too throw them in same jail as relegious leaders... e just love
life and garden is absolute truth andto walk in truth is dead nice like and very spiitual
fink thats why us veg peepsare so diverse and accepting..dum mehead in I hae so gona hit post


see you have taken vodka advice :)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2004, 16:23:48 »
Agreed again re religion. It's so exclusionist and they can't all be right! And too much hatred and intollerance has been commited in the name of religion. How can a god love us when she/he makes us do such horrendous acts?

Although I must admit that the more I read about Buddhism, the more I realise that it fits almost perfectly with my world view. I wouldn't call myself a pratising buddhist though (I just meditate a bit and have always held all live as sacred!) But Buddhism isn't even a religion as it doesn't have any gods.

But then also the more I read on Paganism and Native American religions too, teh more they seem to fit what  I believe too. I love anthropology!

And don't get me started on the drugs thing, or you'll regret it because I'll never shut up (I totally for legalisation for much the same reasons as you).

You'll notice that after riding and gardening, philosophical discussions of this nature is another of my hobbies. So be warned!
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #30 on: January 20, 2004, 16:38:45 »
Yo aqui
hearing you loud and clear and love jaw jaw to war war any time of the day.. I thought the sisters would have gotdown when I meantioned a tx on men for being men..cuz if eqauality is to mean anything. then tax us or
abolish VAT on feminine hygine products.... makes me lose me rag that does, pun fully intended.. so iz you on the piste at worky then? :)

enjoy talky wiv you laterz


« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #31 on: January 20, 2004, 17:01:17 »
Oh no - I'm a teetotaller, just high on life I suppose, and just a little bit barmy!

I go waffling on for hours when sober. If I was to be on the piste, I'd just throw up and fall gently to sleep in the corner!
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #32 on: January 20, 2004, 17:12:34 »

coool teetotaler... me grew up in drinking environment so iz learnt behaviour... amd the craic... well to be honest only happens now and again.. plus hit
the bottle 8 ysrs ago drank every day for nearly 2 years.. then suddenly woke up and stopped for 9 months to get me head straight.. now drink weekendies and never spirits, have said b4 best spirits in here.. so yooze makey mistakes on purpose? oryooze typing as fast as you can wivout worrying aout mistakes... welll i'll go to the foot of the stairs... not many mistakes thus far.. so wull quit whilst I iz on a roll.... all jo's fault making me tink about speeling ad structure...

still tooo early to hit the bud :) thats not budwieser;)


« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »

Mrs Ava

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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #33 on: January 20, 2004, 20:57:52 »
I still have a sore throat!  My stoopid chemincal imbalacnce is driving me mad!  I don't think that doctor knew what he was talking about.  Anyhows, what a day, schoool runs too and fro, then all across Chelsmford to take the wee lady of the family swimming.  And of couse, it was raining.  It awlways seems to rain on a tiesday when I have to drag our bims across town for the swimming lessons.  And she has been invited to anoterh birthday bash.  That will be the 4th since the new year!  She has a better social life than me...hmmmm...mind you, we are out on the razzle on Saturday nite so that should be cool.  An old mate of Ava is turning the bug 40 so I have my long black Jasper Conran all cleaned and my slinky hugh black shoes (hey, why did I say that man on my meind as he has been away for so long?) all I have to do is practise my makeup.  I am not a very good girlie girl and tend to be natural, jeans and tshirt lady me.  I shall get Ava to take a pic to post so you can see me dulled up.

Anyhows, nearly 7pm so I really need to think about going and cooking the old mans dinner.  He should be home at about 7.30.  He has braised steak, brocolli, cauli, and potato dauphanois (how did I spell that please!?!)  I had salad!  Whoopeddoodoeddedoodar! I hate being on a diet.  Did my Rosemary Conley workout this morning and will got for a 30 minute jog tonite, but I don't seem to be loosing any weight on the scaels, however, guess I am getting fitter, and the curves must be shrinking! surelky!!

Heard from our chief designer and engineer last week, young Jethro.  He is recovering from his mugging but had to have a few days off work, and now the company have stopped internet access, su until he gets a puter at home, he cannot come and play!  Shame huh.  See how we all rely on these boxes that hum that same old dull tune to us and blind us with letters and pictures.

Anyhows, again, k8ds aer now calling me, and I am sure 1 glass of red won't hurt the diet, or the jog toooo much, so I am of to posty now.

« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #34 on: January 20, 2004, 23:25:31 »
Image of you dragging your bims made me giggle EJ... ;D
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
Peas xx


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #35 on: January 21, 2004, 06:16:00 »
no good cant live on fresh air any lnger will have to claim thedole or get part time job. part time job better tha dole and easier to get ;)  savings have dwin-in in-dalled away but hey, easy come easy go..wil replenish funds after nxt bank job ;) gonna have to pay gas and leccy bills, never missed a bill in me life apart from "old bill"
can remember years ago old bill always stop and searching us.. never found anything cuz old bill bit thick spesh uniformed lot.. but wouldn't like their job at end of day and they are a necessary evil... right so thats smokers peeps from bornmuff, american squirrels and now plod oh and someone who doesn't matter... glad me yangs up where
it belongs.. gonna keep acu up every tree months, cu at 25 squid a throw its cheap considering the benefits and allthat... jeeez can spend 30 in pub in afew hours so why not spendit on health and stuff..
gonna stay up for the sunset.. soz sunrise... justheard the birds singing so cant be that long now... then bed for a while
total lost now so besthit post


« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #36 on: January 22, 2004, 11:21:14 »
The theraputic effects of horse riding should never be underestimated. Every Wednesday I help out with a Riding for the Disabled Group adn have just adored watching teh children develop as they learn how to ride. Some of them start really shy and just flop in teh saddle, but as they keep coming back they really come out of the mselves. There's one boy who can't walk, can barely sit up normally and is very mentally disabled. But after a couple of month's riding he sits beautifully on the horse. Another cgirl hardly said a word when she started, but she's chattering away so much now you have to tell her to shhh so we can haer what the instructor is saying!

And it's not only therapy for them, but me too! It really makes you realise how lucky we are to have full use of our bodies and minds and we should appreicate and use them to tehir full potential.

(You'll notice that despite being very tired today, I am exceptionally happy!)
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »
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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #37 on: January 22, 2004, 11:37:02 »
we used to organise horse ridingdays for homeless peeps and they loved it... we would raise cash from buisnesses to py
for it.. never went meself tooo busy getting recording/music studio of the ground and Yamaha are PANTS cuz the denoted nowt to cause.. HOHNER dead briliant gave us guitars and stuff.. whole hing now redundant as transient nature of clent group
made it a hard environment t hlp
peeps develop.. horse riding wuz
in abbergvenny...

gotta scooot and get me yang nd me yin working togeher with the cosmos nd all that ;)


« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #38 on: January 22, 2004, 15:52:45 »
tried it for a bit of a larf andf found it doesnt stress you up trying to go bacja nd redo all the typing msitakes..

many noons ago i used to be able to touch type when i was at school but now ... well shows how old i an....... ;

Debs  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D
« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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Re: No Edits, No Preview....Just type mahn
« Reply #39 on: January 23, 2004, 14:50:06 »
Yo Debs

tis good fun and where mystycakes rool and live dead long like cus I reckins that porletter that gets deleted has a little spirit tha after it is killed by the delete backspace button goes off to wrongy spelt wordy heaven...and then gets into the whole re-incarnation thang and cmes back as a righty spelt wordy that lives forever or longer.. but oh no.. not wrongy spelt wordy.. the get erased and never any considration to the wrongy wordies right to exist in harmony with the rest of the world... wrongy wordies have feelings too and re worthy of our compashun... oh wrongy wordy
not spelt right, you iz okay andyou shine your lil light.. oh wrongy wordy we hear what you say... and your welcome to tea nd cake at my house anyday..

def babble aler


« Last Edit: January 01, 1970, 01:00:00 by 1077926400 »


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