Produce > Edible Plants


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Hi Eric - I read somewhere that salts in the fresh manure kill the growing tip of the tap root; so they grow out in all directions round and past the dead tip.

True?  False?  Don't know - but I would like to!!!!  Not that I've ever had any real success growing carrots long enough to fork!

All best - Gavin

Gavin, try growing a few in the same manner as I`ve suggested for parsnips - but smaller holes and closer together.  It`s not the best way to get a big crop, but you should get some big carrots!

Aye, Hugh - I'd spotted that.  But how to keep the carrot fly away - when any structure (even a mesh tunnel) gets trashed or burned?  

Perhaps a 12-bore ----------------- no, NOT for the carrot fly!  I'm thinking of any unwelcome ....... who dares glance over our non-existent fence!

We'll see what this year brings.

All best - Gavin

Please may I come in with a quick question re: manure & root crops? One patch that will take the manure-friendly/essential crops was spread with well-rotted some while back..the other, which will take carrots, etc. has not & hasn't had manure for abt. 3 seasons...planned to lime it (but I forgot), then bung over a general fertiliser before sowing next spring. However, OK to fork in a titchy bit of w-r now or doesn't it need it? Then, if lime is needed (and it's been abt.3-4yrs since I limed & it probably does), do that early March?  The plot produces well, but no idea of its Ph value & won't have 'til I do a test next spring..thanx - Lish

Alishka, presumably by w-r you mean well rotted. If so, no, it`s not alright if you want decent carrots. I always work on the basis of no carrots or parsnips for 2 years after manure or compost. And why do you assume that you need to lime it just because it is 3 or 4 years since you last did it?  The time to lime (unless you are growing brassicas) is when your pH meter says so. Carrots will grow perfectly happily in pH conditions of 5.5 to 7.0, so only lime if your pH meter shows that you are below 6.0.  Otherwise all you need is a good dressing of Blood,Fish & Bone worked in a few days before sowing.


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