Brussels sprout

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Brussels sprout plant
Brussels sprouts


  • Seed depth: 6mm
  • Germination soil temperature: 24-27C
  • Days to germinate: 5-8
  • Sow indoors: mid - end of february
  • Sow outdoors: March
  • Plant outdoors: When the seedlings have formed 3 to 4 leaves


  • pH range: 6.0-6.8
  • Growing soil temperature: 16 - 18C
  • Spacing in beds: 45cm staggered pattern
  • Watering: Moderate and even
  • Light: Full sun for best yields; will tolerate light shade
  • Nutrient requirements: N=moderate; P=high, K=high
  • Rotation considerations: Avoid following brassica family plants
  • Good companions: Beetroot, carrot, celery, chard, cucumber, dill, dwarf bean, lettuce,
  • mint, nasturium, onion family, oregano, potato, rosemary, sage, spinach, tomato
  • Bad companions: Runner bean, strawberry, kohlrabi
  • Seed Longevity: 4 years

Brussels sprouts are a winter vegetable that can be harvested from October 'til February. It is a member of the brassica family and is extremely hardy, and frost, instead of spoiling the sprouts will enhance their flavour and tenderness.

Brussels sprouts require a long growing season and forgeting this fact will result in a poorly grown crop. The earliest sowing should be made in boxes of soil in the greenhouse or cold frame. When the seedlings have formed 3 or 4 leaves and have been hardened off, they should be pricked out into a sheltered seed bed, (if their final position is in any way exposed), allow at least 15cm between plants. They should be transferred to their final position when their leaves begin to overlap. Further sowing can be made in march and possibily even into april, but the earliest sowings will give the best results.