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George the Pigman
Yesterday at 18:11:07 by George the Pigman
Views: 258 | Comments: 2

Well went today to the lotty and found nearly all of the squash and pumpkin plants I planted 9 days ago had died  No evidence of slug damage  All the leaves were dried up and dead . Certainly not lack of water! I know they don't like transplanting so I've always grown them in roottrainers but it's often a bit hit and miss.
Has anyone any experience of sowing them direct into a bed? The textbooks say its the best way to grow them. If so how do you do it?
June 14, 2024, 13:07:56 by Davyboy1 | Views: 487 | Comments: 3

Hello  :wave: does anyone have any kent blue peas seeds for sale please, I have looked online to buy and i cant find any stockists. I am trying to buy them for my parents as they loved growing them when they was younger and wanted to get some for them  :happy7:
June 11, 2024, 13:26:40 by Jeanbean
Views: 1025 | Comments: 5

Hi All several years since I posted on this forum but attached is a plant growing on my next door plot. Do any of you know what it may be please?Thank you
Tiny Clanger
June 11, 2024, 13:03:22 by Tiny Clanger
Views: 332 | Comments: 4

For the first time ever in years of being at the site, our French Climbing Beans have been completely destroyed  by pigeons. It's not slugs, the Flying Rats have been spotted doing it. They've never bothered with beans before, just going after peas and brassica -   and it's only the French one destroyed. Runner beans are unt9uched. This has happened to every plot growing French beans.  We have 3 Feral cats on site but they're happy with rats and mice. Only one pigeon taken.

Has anyone else had this problem this season? Is it possibly because we are all netting peas and brassicas?
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