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Donate Button - DON'T PANIC

Started by Admin aka Dan, January 09, 2004, 00:02:10

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Admin aka Dan

Hi All,

As you may notice, I have placed a paypal donate button at the bottom of the page.

As I have said before I have no intention of forcing people to pay, and I do not want anyone to feel they are not welcome if they do not donate.

It is purely a voluntary donation button.

I am awaiting responses from various companies - hopefully one or more of who will want to pay for some sponsorship.

Again let me say - the button is purely voluntary.

Hopefully everyone understands, and no one is offended / frightened off from the site.



Admin aka Dan



Just dun it today hence the edit.. sometimes have to take chances and this site is awesum
if peeps have reservations.. why
not open a seperate account just for this site...?

will be winging a tenner your way mate



Dan just tried paypal and too many questions and all that jazz.. but will find a way to make a donation...

Is there anyway you could get a PO BOX up and running?  Dan you have me email address could you not open up a paying in account only and email me details that way I could swing some squidleys your way...

just a thought Dan....

or just email me a post office where I can wire you the money.... really do want to help mate as this is a cracking site....



Hi Dan,

Don't worry, I don't think anyone here will be offended or frightened away!!  we're an understanding bunch  :)

I'll try to scrape together some pennies for a donation.

Keep up the good work... this site is the best!!


Mrs Ava

Yayyyyy....worth every penny Dan!   ;D


will happily contribute but by cheque or postal tell me how

ps love this site it better than any other i've found on net


Hi Dan
Sent a small donation - hope you got it OK
Guardian of around 2,950 sq ft of the planet Earth


Hi Dan,  Just sent you my contribution.  Hope it was okay.  Well worth it!  Keep up the good work.   :) busy_lizzie
live your days not count your years


Just made our donation  :)

We may not post much but we certainly absorb all the useful information you all supply on here.  Well worth paying for in our opinion.

Made a note in our calendar to remind us to donate again in a years time.

Hopefully the money you receive from donations and sponsored links will be enough to keep the site running.


Yo peeps

Did you get confirmation email?

I dont know if I hae donated or not now?  just checked banky account and I iz still as poor as a churchy mouse, but not a tenner poorer.. I hit the continue button at the end and Icame back to same page with my detail on it... can anyone run through the procedure for peeps like me... cuz I iz confused.. have I or havent I?

how and when will I know?

and agree with colin and yvonne and rest this site rocks and would definately buy and wear the T Shirt.... marketting dan marketing... advertisers should be begging you mate..


oZzY %)


Admin aka Dan


I am in the process of setting up a PB Box so that people who want to donate, but do not want to use a card on the internet can.

I'll put the details up when I have them.




That would be good for me too, havent used penpal and would prefer to send you a cheque.
good luck Dan wonderfull site.


Hi Dan - only too pleased to help - PB would probably be best for me - great site, you deserve some help with all the hard work you put into it :D
Happy gardening all...........Pat


Excellent news Dan..

Still dont know if I have donated or not and as banky account still the same I will assume that it didnt go through.... be able to send you Birthday and crimbo cards as well Dan :)



H i Dan

Glad you are getting a PB soon as details are on will happily donate it will be well worth the money

Regards flowerbaby-uk :) :) :) :)


Dan brilliant site, and well managed.

Sent a donation via paypal today

Best Wishes
Piglet  ;)

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