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Computer woes

Started by Digeroo, October 24, 2015, 09:52:15

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My computer crashed and it was not worth fixing.  So now got windows 10.  Not sure I like it much.  I run the mouse across the screen and the text shrinks it is sending me scatty. The control + no longer works to increase the size of the image.  Does anyone know how to stop the mouse movement continually changing the text size when it wants to but not when I want to.
Found internet explorer  :icon_cheers:
Have used various versions of windows but this is not pleasing me at all.  I suppose I will get used to it but currently I am getting very frustrated.
Certainly prefer Android to windows 10.  It seems to do what it wants to do and not what I want to do.
Got a hp there does not seem to be much choice these days.  I do not like the mouse pad might have to get a mouse.
Cannot seem to get rid of bing.  I hate bing.  Though a bit of googling showed me I am not the only one.  Managed to change the home page, after bringing back the Tools menu.  But as soon as I open a new tab bing is back.
I do hate arrogant developers who seem to think they know how I would like things to be.  I find the whole system very patronising. 
I have always had the task bar down the side and now it will not go there.
I think I am winning, managed to get windows as my home page and my homepage when it opens a tab. 
Bing has got to go. :BangHead: :BangHead: :BangHead:



Same thing happened to me ,computer died new one came with Windows 10.

Installed Firefox and Thunderbird but still found 10 irritating and non intuitive. Took 10 mins to find out how to shut down.

Finally gave up, got husband to create a partition and installed Ubuntu 14.10. Problem solved but  windows still there in case I ever want it - not happened yet!

Tee Gee

I tend to agree with you Digeroo, particularly as my motto is:

"If it is not broke don't fix it"

I have found that some of my long time much used software can not be used.

Others behave quite differently.

Trying to back up to my external drive is a nightmare!

Regarding your mouse problems:

Try start -> Settings-> Personalization and play around in there until you get something that suits you!

You can also try start -> Settings-> Ease of Acces ->Mouse

Best of luck!


Many thanks for your replies. 
The text keeps resizing itself every few minutes so I am having a constant battle to get it back.
It is not difficult but it is very annoying.  Moving the mouse while in typing mode changes the text size.
So since I started this post I have had to readjust the text size four times already.
Whoops there it goes again.  Gone big this time.
Also Microsoft seems to want to take over my life.  So if I want to log into Hotmail it wants me to have a pin instead of my password.  So I cannot log on using the window 10 switchboard I have to use internet explorer.  So much for progress.
I have just spent the whole afternoon getting rid of what they think I want and getting back things I use.
Hopefully by the time I need the next laptop someone will have produced one with Android on it and I can ditch Microsoft. Though seems I can install it on a laptop.


Windows 10 comes with a new internet access called Microsoft Edge.  Having spend ages getting rid of it as much as possible, Mcafee virus software says it cannot protect me so wanted me to disable it.  So much for Windows 10.
Ripped off by comet, can buy office for half their price.  Do I want the lastest version?  No.


Is this a laptop? If so decrease the sensitivity of the mouse pad should cure the problem it is often set too high and the slightest touch causes font to scale.

Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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Office is a ripoff at any price when you can download Libre Office for free, or use Google Docs for free without downloading anything.


Well done Daveyboi . I think you have lead me to the source of the problem.  A big thank you.

Seems the mouse is clever and works with different actions if you use a different number of fingers.  So if you just rest your hand or a finger on the mouse pad then when you move the other hand things happen.  since I am a touch typing I tend to rest my wrists onto the mousepad occasionally so as soon as you touch it with something else other things change.  This seems to make the computer do all sorts of things apparently randomly.  I am not sure how you are supposed to type without touching the mouse pad.

The machine is designed for a two finger typist who dabs at the keyboard,  so I will have to switch off the ability to use two fingers on the mouse pad. 

Mind you finding the control panel is not easy.  You are not expected to want that.


Done it.  Fantastic I have got my life back.


Normally a new version of windows takes a few days to get used to but in the end seems good.  This time I am spending time switching off the new features which I feel I have paid dearly for.  Even solitaire has ads now unless you pay extra.

A would really like to have continued with windows 7.  There is nothing in 10 which I like.


Glad you have resolved the issue.. the multi finger part is designed for pinching to enlarge images etc., mainly on phones and tablets. I suppose this is the penalty of having a cross device operating system and also one that is now fully enabled for touch screen use.

I expect in a few years time we will be cursing the latest changes to windows 10 just like we went through from 98 to xp ... then when windows 7 came along we missed the xp features.

Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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It may be nice for playing with pics, but for typing it is a nightmare.  But it is quite difficult to change and maybe if I am doing things with pictures I may want it back.   Basically it needs to switch off automatically if you start typing. 

I was going to take the computer back tomorrow, I thought it had a bug.

Interestingly there does not seem to be anything on the web about it. 


Near Haywards Heath Southern U.K.

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My daughter says if you double tap the left hand corner it disables the mouse pad.  But I cannot get it to work.  But I use the mouse while typing for changes so that would not be much help.

Lastest thing Google refuses to let me do searches unless I agree to its privacy policy.  Never been asked to do this before.   No contact email address to voice my concerns.  Google no longer works. Goodbye Google.   Nice knowing you.  Hello Yahoo.   Or can anyone recommend a different search engine.

I will have to inwardly digest the article thanks for the link.


I am really concerned that I am no longer in control of my computer it is totally trying to be in control of me. Or someone in some office somewhere in the USA is trying to control me.  I feel very threatened by it.  I have been using computers for 45 years,  I am reasonably computer literate and suddenly I feel threatened.

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