A4A 2012 Show; Trio of Beetroot.

Started by Jayb, September 09, 2012, 12:23:30

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Your favourite Trio of Beetroot.

Lisaparkin, picture 1
6 (50%)
Gavinjconway, cylindra beets
6 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 12

Voting closed: November 18, 2012, 21:37:08


Enter your pictures here for a Trio of Beetroot, any colour.

Last entries October 31st, voting begins 1st November.
Seed Circle site http://seedsaverscircle.org/
My Blog, Mostly Tomato Mania http://mostlytomatomania.blogspot.co.uk/


Seed Circle site http://seedsaverscircle.org/
My Blog, Mostly Tomato Mania http://mostlytomatomania.blogspot.co.uk/



When you wake up on a morning say "good morning world" and be grateful



My cylindra beets - great for slicing.. I'm going to make my special spicy beetroot tonight!!

Now a member of the 10 Ton club.... (over 10 ton per acre)    2013  harvested 588 Kg from 165 sq mt..      see my web blog at...  http://www.gavinconway.net


Davy's beetroot is not on voting list?


I know great pictures from him but Davy asked not to be included, and I have respected his wishes  :happy7:
Seed Circle site http://seedsaverscircle.org/
My Blog, Mostly Tomato Mania http://mostlytomatomania.blogspot.co.uk/


Also a trio means 3 so not to schedule..  :icon_cheers:
Now a member of the 10 Ton club.... (over 10 ton per acre)    2013  harvested 588 Kg from 165 sq mt..      see my web blog at...  http://www.gavinconway.net


Quote from: gavinjconway on November 02, 2012, 10:00:59
Also a trio means 3 so not to schedule..  :icon_cheers:

Maybe multiples of trios count :tongue3:


Or two entries...? Except that, since he explicitly said he wasn't entering his super veg in the competition, it's a bit irrelevant. Davy's produce is a benchmark for us all.


He could have only made up one trio of the same size and shape out of the 6 tho.. His veg does look good in all his pics..
Now a member of the 10 Ton club.... (over 10 ton per acre)    2013  harvested 588 Kg from 165 sq mt..      see my web blog at...  http://www.gavinconway.net

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