A place for newbies to introduce themselves.

Started by Jeannine, March 12, 2010, 12:54:10

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hello, we are new to this site, my husband and i take over our allotment tomor and we need to get a shed, there is one on the plot but the guy who ownes it wants 90.00 and we are only happy to pay 70 he wont budge even though it will fall to peices when he takes it down! there is no telling some people......and he will end up putting it in a pile and ending up with nothing.......anyone know where to get a cheap shed?
Looking forward to chatting and all the advice we can get LOL :)




Welcome to A4A BillandBen... wheereabouts are you? Sheds are difficult to post...  ;D


Hello BillandBen
Helpful to have some idea where you are - and anyone else joining. Doesn't have to be very specific but it does help with questions etc, etc.
Just add on your profile where it says personal text (underneath the bit you add picture if you want to).


Heyup everyone, i've been lurking on the fringe for a few days, and thought it was time to say, hi, so here goes


Yep that worked, I can cross that one off the skills to learn list,

Ok enough frivolity, down to the serious stuff,

No, i think not,

Tonight is not serious night

Thats tomorrow night
Somewhere, in the world, the sun is over the yardarm,


Hi to Newbies

Billand Ben what happened about the shed?

Urlybird -you have managed to do clever things with the font that someof us took months to learn how to do ;D


HI there ;)..and nice to 'hear' you are not lurking anymore..welcome to the site and feel free to join our 'chat'..I hope you are not too shy and easily frightened by our 'mad hatters' ;D
Hopefully we can help you if you need any gardening info...and would be nice to hear about your plot ;)


Before i start the long and boring story of my life, and how i managed to find this site, i must hold my hands up, and say

"I don't have an allotment"

Somewhere, in the world, the sun is over the yardarm,


welcome to the forum, BillandBen and Urlybird
You couldn't make it up!


Quote from: Urlybird on April 03, 2011, 22:49:40
Before i start the long and boring story of my life, and how i managed to find this site, i must hold my hands up, and say

"I don't have an allotment"

Neither are compulsory....  ;D


Quote from: Urlybird on April 03, 2011, 22:49:40
Before i start the long and boring story of my life, and how i managed to find this site, i must hold my hands up, and say

"I don't have an allotment"

Welcome Urlybird and BillandBen, and do not worry as I do not a lottie any more. Thing is that we all have a patch of ground or a pot to fill. Doesn't matter what we do or how we do it, If we did then to many of us would argue over what goes where and at what time and in which order. Just do what you can when you want and enjoy it for what you reap.

Got them back now to put some tread on them

new to all this

Hi everyone,
i have just found this great site, just what i need!.
Hopefully i will get the keys to our brand new starter allotment this weekend.
We absolutely lucked out, from enquiry to choosing which plot within 48hrs!
So, i hope you will help me with all my stupid newbie questions!


Welcome new to all this...newbie questions are good but not stupid...and I'm sure we give all the help we can ;)...just try to keep the questions coming in small 'packets' so we don't need to start writing huge volumes ;D
Ohhhh..its all so exciting..new plot and all that..have you got spade polished and ready and deep heat withing reach? ::)
Once you start..remember to do little and often untill your body gets used to all that new sort of workout...or try to change jobs regularly if doing longer sessions..nothing is worst than coming home and having to lie down of floor in agony :-X..been there, done that.. :-[


Hi Guys,

Newbie here.  Just got our lottie after 2 1/2 years on the waiting list.  Looking forward to speaking to you all and sharing ideas and gaining valuable info from all your experience.  We are in Caldicot, South Wales



Ok, after my brief introduction from a few days ago, allow me, if i may, to tell you a wee bit more about myself,

I'm a bloke, well for most days of the week, on Wednesdays, when the wife is at bingo, i lapse into Sally mode, and dress as a laydeee,

Anyway i digress

For 87.5% of the time i'm a bloke, that builds houses and stuff, to pay my tax bills,

2.5% is spent on my veg plot and garden,

with 5 % spent in the pub, and the rest of my time asleep, or pricing work, or chasing leads

Somewhere, in the world, the sun is over the yardarm,


to all new members.  Nice to see you :)


Nice to hear from our new members.  Welcome, looking forward to your posts.


Hello everyone!!!
I'm Ali & I live on the sunny Isle of Wight with my two girls! I'm renting a property with 'NO' garden at the moment, but I do have a small decked area which I am turning into veg plot slowly! one which I can take with me if I leave!! I am at the top of the list for an allotment, which is about a mile away, but my father (local parish council chairman for his sins) is trying to secure some land which was a primary sch playing field for allotments & I am presently in talks with another lady land owner who is keen to us some of her land for allotments! I am abit of an eco warrior I guess & I am a founder member of the IOW green tank, which is seriously trying to transition our island & make it more self sufficient & I have been invited to help with the local green towns under the big society government scheme, altho I am very dubious about any government involvement!
I am trying to get people to get growing, everyone should be doing this! & quickly in my opinion!
Today I am going to try to recycle an old wooden chest of drawers into a wormery!
Hope to start chatting with people soon!
ttfn xxx 8)


Hi All,

Just a quick hello to everyone. I thought it rude not to. ;D I haven't got an allotment as yet but I have been growing things in pots in my garden for a couple of years. I am on the waiting list for my local allotments. Fingers crossed it will be soon.



welcome to A4a, appycamper and Micnichs! We have at least one other IOW member here- look out for ACE! :D

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