A place for newbies to introduce themselves.

Started by Jeannine, March 12, 2010, 12:54:10

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Hi Mark, welcome to the site (although I see you registered back in October- did we scare you off? ;D)




I have put a couple of posts up but thought I'd introduce myself properly.

I'm Vicki, I'm 27, married with 2 children. I'm a housewife. I am in a Solihull, near Birmingham.

I've always been into gardening and since I got married (9 years ago this year) I have grown veg in the garden. I only have space for one bed plus pots and the greenhouse.

I am currently 3rd on the allotment waiting list and it is likely I will get my plot this year, I'm hoping this is in time to clear and dig before the ground freezes before sowing next spring.

I'm quite a competent gardener, having been taught by my great gran when I was a child, but as she has long since passed away I don't have an expert on the end of the phone anymore.


Hi all i am officially a newbie and hope i can join in and enjoy the site like many of you have so far.

Just got my first allotment its not that big as sharing with an elderly gentleman who cannot cope on his own. Nether the less its big enough to keep me out the house for a while lol.

Ok heres my intro i am a total beginner but already beginning to surprise my self although reading on here i think i shall be a bit more daring from now on. Try some of the out of the ordinary things.

I have 3 children 2 girls 10 & 8 and a son who is 2 very good at watering already.
My partner is now really taking an intrest. Pity she didn't when i was out digging and preparing in those cold dark nights........4 Chickens 2 Alesbury ducks 2 cats few fish and a gerbil.

I am really keen to learn and share ideas. If ever i can help i will so please never be scared to ask me. Knowledge is little at the moment but might be usefull 1 day lol.

Anyway thanks for a great site and hope to make some great friends in the future.


Welcome Vicki, third eh, well it won't be long now .It is a good time to get the lottie too, no pressure to get plantes, just get it ready for next year, You will be in a great position then. The kids will love it. I love that word Gran..I never had one and if I did I would have liked her to be  Gran..

With a greenhouse at home to get things started in ..wow you are in a great position.

Good Luck and welcome to the forum.

Hi Palmski. interesting name for a gardener, glad you found your way here. A beginner , well that is good, we all started that way, so we have immediately got something in common.

Oh your partner has class, good girl, keeping out of the digging bit, bet she learns pretty fast.

You have a good sized family especially if we include the pets.   Aylesbury ducks are my favourites.

Don't worry, w will ask!!

Welcome to the forum, it is a great site and you have already found friends.

I hope both of you enjoy your new projects.

Sorry, I can spell, I just can't type!!

XX Jeannine

When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Quote from: Jeannine on July 13, 2010, 18:11:47
Welcome Vicki, third eh, well it won't be long now .It is a good time to get the lottie too, no pressure to get plantes, just get it ready for next year, You will be in a great position then. The kids will love it. I love that word Gran..I never had one and if I did I would have liked her to be  Gran..

With a greenhouse at home to get things started in ..wow you are in a great position.

Good Luck and welcome to the forum.

Hi Palmski. interesting name for a gardener, glad you found your way here. A beginner , well that is good, we all started that way, so we have immediately got something in common.

Oh your partner has class, good girl, keeping out of the digging bit, bet she learns pretty fast.

You have a good sized family especially if we include the pets.   Aylesbury ducks are my favourites.

Don't worry, w will ask!!

Welcome to the forum, it is a great site and you have already found friends.

I hope both of you enjoy your new projects.

Sorry, I can spell, I just can't type!!

XX Jeannine

Ha ha My real name is Michael Palmer i have always been called Palmski since school so just use it as my Nickname now thanks for the welcome.


Hello!  Thought I'd pop in to introduce myself.

After over two years on the waiting list, I got a phone call out of the blue yesterday afternoon to say that a plot has finally become available for me.  I haven't seen the plot yet and am a complete novice (my only gardening experience thus far is killing off houseplants) but I'm incredibly excited.  My plot is 5 rods large and I'm hoping to end up with a cross between an English country garden (old English flowers - which I'll be growing for flower arranging at home) and a kitchen garden (fruit bushes, a few veg, herbs etc). 

As a young, single person I'll be managing the plot completely on my own - I can't quite work out whether I'm mad or brave.....!


Welcome to A4A........plenty of advice on here   :)


Welcome, English Rose.

There's plenty of us who manage on our own (I'm not so young and not single but my OH doesn't share my interest!). Whether we are mad or brave is another matter!

Whereabouts are you, by the way?


  Hi  Everyone

   I  joined this site last year and have just managed to pluck up the courage and post!!

Have had an allotment for six months now. It has taken this long to get it cleared. Anyway it's now up but only walking!!!lol

  Have some salad things in (lettuce, radish's etc) and also some cabbages, cauliflowers and broccoli also beans and cougettes. I also had potatoes  and blight lol

have made many mistakes like planting seeds putting the empty packs at end of row next day no empty
packets and no idea what was in the rows ;D Still I am learning and you guys have really helped

so thanks

   x chas


Hi English Rose and welcome, really exciting getting a new plot and yes you are probably both mad and brave..we all are. You will find so much info here, don't be afraid to ask, we are a big family here and some are extremely knowledgeable.

Hi Luckycharlie, welcome to you too,I am so glad you managed to finally pop and post. We have all made those same mistakes and you know what, the seeds grow anyway.

To both of you ,if you are nervous about posting, pop into the shed, we chat about all kinds of things in there, so just dive in, you will be very welcome.

Good luck with your new ventures, we are very pleased you joined us.

XX Jeannine
When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Hi folks

I've been looking on the A4A forums for a while picking up a whole heap of gems of knowledge and have finally got around to joining.
I live on the East Yorkshire coast just south of Bridlington and grow veggies on a smallholding belonging to friends.
Its my first year on the plot and its going wonderfully, despite a rogue mole giving a few problems.

Some 20 odd years ago I had an allotment for a few months so I'm not a complete newbie.

Successes so far...broadies,spinach,lettuce beetroot,climbing french beans(just cropping),runners(also just cropping). ;D
Looking good.....sweetcorn (thanks for your tips Jeannine),potatoes. :)
Hopeless failure.....broccoli. :'(


Thanks to all for the warm welcome - don't worry, I won't be shy in asking questions!  I've already started a couple of threads on the Basics  board and  I haven't even seen my plot yet.....  ;D

As for my location, I'm a London Allotmenteer - not far from Greenwich.


Hi, can I be included?

Not got an allotment, but try to grow as much as I can in the garden.
This year I have....

Sp onins
Runner beans
French Beans
Broad Beans

But at the end of the day tend to make it up as I go along and use The Veg and herb expert by Dr d g Hessayon. I just love the freedom of the garden and the taste of the veg.

Got my Grandson into it now.
Love the site 


Me again!

In my excitment forgot the chickens. 3 chickens from the Battery welfare trust. Amazing girls.



Hi featherfriend welcome to A4A.   I am also a fan of the Veg and Herb expert. Sounds like your garden is very productive.


Featherfriend welcome to A4A :) i too love The Veg and herb expert found its been really helpful in my first year on the plot !
First time allotment holder, second time mum.


Hi Vickim,Palmski,EnglishRose,luckycharlie,bridbod-special welcome I was born in Bridlington  :-*,featherfriend.
Welcome all this is a fab forum where the only stupid question is the one you don't ask ! :)
sanity is overated


Hi Bridbrod and welcome, so you are close to Brid eh..well I must say popping over to Brid to get my fish is something I miss, I love the big wet fish shop at the top of the hill by the car park, my regular shopping place and I sure miss my contact there for live crab too, he also got me live whelks which I like. Glad you found the corn help useful. You sem to be doing well with what you are growing. I found with broc I did well with some varieties and not so good with others, same with caulis.

Hi also to Featherfriend, you are doing well in your garden, I like the little book you mentioned too although I think the varieties are a bit out dated, but a good little book all the same. Good for you with the little girls, does that explain your nickname maybe!! Welcome to you too.

I hope you both enjoy the site, I think you will

XX Jeannine

When God blesses you with a multitude of seeds double  the blessing by sharing your  seeds with other folks.


Just to say hello,  :) we are new Allotment holders, still to get our plot sorted , it is in a really nice field about a 15min walk from my garden-less little house. I have had a large garden and have grown most things... but after 10 yrs of nothing but pots, I am very excited about "real Gardening"
My lovely partner suffers badly from depression and I thought this would help him, ( who cannot be cheered by growing things ?) and us both to get fitter and healthier.. and cannot wait to get the brand new spade dirty !!


Welcome greenkinsy, How exciting ,I remember when we got our plot :)
I empathise with your partner, our allotment has helped me enormously .We visit it most days and like you say nature has a way of cheering the day.
The people you meet will have a similar effect.
Lottie/gardening folk are the best .
Good Luck. :)
sanity is overated

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