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1 step forward, 2 steps back...

Started by tabbycat, January 08, 2007, 21:24:09

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Planted my raspberry canes yesterday. I spent Thurs and Fri digging over the bed, marked it all out and off i went, happily planting.

Went down this morning and they are sitting in puddles of water. Not good :(

Am now going to have to move them up the other end of the plot .... lots more digging  ::)

The frustrating thing was that whilst I was digging the original bed, the ground was fairly heavy from the rain, but not waterlogged. If I'd just waited a few more days, I'd have saved myself all this aggravation. That's me being too impatient and wanting to get them in on the right day as directed by Mr N Kollerstrom  ;D

Never mind - I live and learn  ;D




planted mine early dec along with more carrots, garlic and jap onion seed and i have been 2 ill to get back up to the site.

I know the plot next to me and others have been ravaged by mice :-( so i hope i have something left up there.


Sorry to hear you've not been well Louise... hope things are improving..


How mong are the puddles going to last? A but of temporary winter waterlogging won't do much harm, but they can't take it when they're actively growing, as I know from my own floods some years ago. All the rasps in the flooded area were killed, but this was in summer.


Hope you are feeling better Cambourne.


That's the big question, and because I've only had my plot since April, I don't know. The ground could stay waterlogged for weeks.

I asked Tom today (he's had his plot since the 70's) and he says all of our new plots used to flood regularly as there's a stream about 200 yards away in the woods behind them. The Waterboard dredged it all out 2 years ago and built concrete banks in place that improved the flow speed and redirected the water, which stopped the flooding. However he thinks that the watertable must be quite low at that end and when we get lots of rain it just slowly seeps up.

So I suppose if this is the case that it will depend on how long the rainy weather is going to continue for, and how long it then takes for the watertable to drop down again. They could be still standing in water when growing time comes.

Have put them all back into the big pots they came in (poor things, they must be very confused!) and have dug 1/2 of their new bed today. Will do the rest tomorrow if it doesn't rain!


thanks guys need to see the doc, rang this morning to get emergency appointment and they cant see me till friday!!

Will try again in the morning to see someone, the thing is i know what the problem is and i know what i need. The min i started coughing up blood i knew i had a chest infection. Cleared most of my work out and handed over bits to other people as i will probably get signed off but i just need a doctor!


But on the bright side i did manage a full meal today ( first since friday!)



I think that some doctor's receptionists have redefined the word "emergency".... to them it means "well, you don't sound / seem that bad. if you can find the strength to phone / come in, you can wait a few days".

We have one who makes you go through this sort of interview process as to how ill you really are... all in front a of a packed (and nosey) waiting room!

(Sorry if anyone out there is a doc's recep.... I know that there are nice, sympathetic ones as well!! ;D)

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