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What do we look like?

Started by terrace max, December 09, 2005, 20:16:48

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I'm impressed tim.    {:¬)#
The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is the fact that it has never tried to contact us.


The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is the fact that it has never tried to contact us.

terrace max

I've thought about this Clanger and I think it was your (sadly missed) old avatar of the red clanger. With the message: 'I really do look like this' underneath.

In retrospect, I may have taken it a little too literally... :-\
I travelled to a mystical time zone
but I missed my bed
so I soon came home


Well here's a better one (resized and checked this time!!!) instead of me pulling silly faces on my yacht..... ::)   can't have the other one saved for posterity Tim - I look very out of place amongst all those other posh folk you have pictures of!


Neil (The Young Ones) once said "You plant the seed, the seed grows, you harvest the seed....You plant the seed....."   if only it was that simple!!!

terrace max

I think the Clangers are still available on BBC video. Nearly as popular round here as my 8 disc Moomins dvd.
I travelled to a mystical time zone
but I missed my bed
so I soon came home


Course they are - I love the clangers and of course the soup dragon.   Beast episode was baby clanger using mums table cloth for a flag on the moon surface  ;D
Neil (The Young Ones) once said "You plant the seed, the seed grows, you harvest the seed....You plant the seed....."   if only it was that simple!!!

undercarriage plan

And you have no idea what we have been through to present to you....Delilah!! Hey you, by the way!  ;D ;D ;D


Delilah Great picture..... nice to meet you after chatting. Hope you are keeping ok. Thanks for the pic.


< ... I used to be in love with bLottie  ... but.... I am a fickle sort of ermmm   chap  ... pushes UC offa da sofa  ... hya Delilah !  .. I'm sure we have something we admire in common .... is it me ?   rotfl  .....
The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is the fact that it has never tried to contact us.


Here's one I made earlier ;D
Happy gardening all...........Pat


AD FICKLE??? Casanova, womaniser comes to mind :o :o Poor old Lottie just pushed off the sofa without a second thought.. Shall we gang up on him Delilah and Lottie?? ;D


< ... It's not that your face looks like a bulls  ... ermmm ... thingy, wardy  . just pure coincidence  .....   *grins*
The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is the fact that it has never tried to contact us.


Well  .. with a mush like that wardy  .. I'm getting so attracted to Comfrey you wouldn't believe it  ...
The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is the fact that it has never tried to contact us.


   A lot to be said for being enigmatic wardy  !!!!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D




Nice pics one and all....... ;D ;D

Thought I had better put one up of me (and the two little-uns)........even though I haven't posted much recently ... ::) ::)

Feeding the birds on the Isle of Wight.
....we are all visitors to this earth........enjoy your stay.....:)


Woohoo Heldi !!!! A brilliant picture he hehe. Truly stunning !!!

And Delilah, wow, you match my image of you, I must close my mouth ...

Two more gorgeous babes, a bloke can only take so much of this before waking up ...  ;D

Derekthefox :D




Deriktf, have I told you lately that you get right on my chaffinches ?  remind me, and I'll say it again   :P
The surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere in the universe is the fact that it has never tried to contact us.


You were saying Aiken, ? Bye the way, have I missed your picture somewhere?

Derekthefox ;D

Merry Tiller


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